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Clutch Kit ZF SACHS Performance

Performance Clutch
High-Tech for your car.

SACHS Performance Clutch Kit - OE 030198141

Item number: 999610.999836

Our Bestseller at a special rate!
SACHS Power Clutch Kit for easy installation with your original flywheel.
Transmittable Torque 220+Nm and everyday suitability at the same time.

613,68 EUR

including 19% VAT., plus shipping

Recommended retail price: 681,87 EUR
(You save 10 %, that is 68,19 EUR)
Available now!

Shipping time: 1 - 2 workdays


With your order 19% VAT will be deducted.

Diameter [mm]: 200 - Number of Teeth: 24 - Hub Profile: 18,3x20,4-24N
Transmittable torque 225+Nm.

Manufacturer compare numbers
6K0 198 007

030 198 141 X
032 198 141 X

Manufacturer: ZF Race Engineering GmbH, Ernst-Sachs-Straße 62, 97424 Schweinfurt, Deutschland, www.zf.com


Innovative Engineering.

  • Higher transmittable torque
  • Higher burst number of revolutions
  • The torque damper has a higher stop position (maximum capacity of the torsion damper unit before stop position of locating rivets).
  • Noticeable better dynamics through higher clamp load
  • Less abrasion, much longer life span
  • Start performance similar to OE
  • Effortless exchange with OE clutch kit

Logo SACHS Performance by ZF SACHS
SACHS Performance Clutch Installation

Technical Details.

SACHS Performance Clutch kit at a preferential price, containing the reinforced clutch cover and the performance clutch disc with special organic friction material. - Simple exchange against the old clutch, this kit will fit to the original flywheel and releaser.

The SACHS Performance clutch kit delivers more transmittable torque and more stability, longer life and superior thermal resistance.

It also allows for faster and sportier gearshifts. - That makes it extremely useful for street tuning, endurance races, hill climbing (group N) and for vehicles that are often driven with their maximum gross vehicle weight.

The containing clutch disc with torsion springs function as a vibration damper between engine and gearbox. The start performance is similar to your old original clutch kit (no "on-off" clutch), so this solution is also perfect for a daily driven car.

Quality - Made in Germany.

The clutch systems from ZF SACHS Race Engineering have brought motor sports teams worldwide to the forefront, from mass sports to Formula 1.

The knowledge gained from these race series has been flowing into the development of High Performance products for years.

SACHS Performance Clutch Applications

Typically applications include:

  • Chip-Tuning, turbocharger and supercharger modifications
  • Vehicles with maximum gross vehicle weight and according to high load (towing trailers, campers)
  • 1/4 mile-race
  • Race circuit (endurance race, clubsport, autocross)
  • Rally (e.g. group N)
  • Slalom, Drift Racing

SACHS Performance clutch in the VAG Motorsport

SACHS Performance Clutch for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda

ZF SACHS has been a partner of Volkswagen Motorsport since 2003. SACHS develops dampers and clutches for the VW Polo R WRC in the World Rally Championship (WRC). Moreover, ZF SACHS equips all vehicles in the VW Scirocco R-Cup and racing cars such as the Audi TT Cup and Audi R8 LMS.


Since the 2012 season, the three premium brands Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz have been fully relying on clutch systems from SACHS for all their DTM vehicles.

The racing clutch Formula Carbon Clutch 4/140Y has four carbon clutch plates. The clutch transmits a torque of up to 900 Nm and is designed for long durability.

SACHS Performance Clutch Navigator

24 Hours Nürburgring

Seven of the top ten teams lately relied on ZF SACHS clutches at the greatest long-distance race in Germany - including the first four of the overall rankings at the famous Nurburgring 24 Hour.

Porsche crossed the finish line in third place, whose 911 is equipped with SACHS racing clutches and dampers. The BMW Motorsports teams who came fourth and sixth, the seventh-placed Audi and ninth-placed Nissan all use SACHS clutches in their power transmission. 

Partner of ZF SACHS Race Engineering

SACHS-BMW MotorsportSACHS VW MotorsportSACHS Porsche MotorsportSACHS Toyota HybridSACHS Super GTSACHS DTMSACHS TudorSACHS Honda Racing
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