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Obudowa sprzegla SACHS RCS 140

Numer katalogowy: RCS4_140-HA-S2.6-SP5.2

Ø Wyprzegnik

od 535,50 EUR

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SACHS RCS Racing Clutch Systems

SACHS RCS 140 Clutch Housing

  • Aluminum forged housing with special heat-resistant aluminum alloy
  • Higher housing stiffness for precise clutch engagement
  • Open housing structure design for optimized heat exchange
  • Use with RCS central release bearing recommended
SACHS RCS 140 Housing Assembly Installation Note
  • For the use of the Sachs RCS clutch an inspection of the flywheel contour is necessary. Precise machining of the flywheel is necessary to guarantee correct clutch function.

  • For mounting the clutch, M8-screws of the property class of min. 10.9 with hexagonal socket and plain washer is recommended. The tightening torque is 25 Nm.

Installation Drawing (Scheme)

SACHS RCS Clutch Installation Drawing

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